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Anne Arundel Community College, with a central mission of learning and a belief that individuals must be given the opportunity to fully develop their potential, is committed to academic excellence. Academic excellence is dependent upon a dedication to academic integrity on the part of all members of the college community. In support of this aim, Anne Arundel Community College requires all students to exhibit academic integrity in all their academic work.

A culture of academic integrity, a unifying principle in this and all academic communities, is built upon respect for others’ work, commitment to doing one’s own work, and intolerance for academic dishonesty in all its forms.

I. Purpose

This policy is established to define misconduct that undermines academic integrity and is prohibited by the college.

II. Scope and Applicability

A. This policy applies to all students and former students.

B. This policy does not apply to nonacademic misconduct, which will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the applicable policy and procedures.

III. Definitions

A. Academic misconduct is an act that runs contrary to academic integrity and is prohibited by this policy.

B. Cheating is using or attempting to use unauthorized material, information, electronic devices or study aids in an academic exercise, assignment or assessment without the instructor’s permission.

C. Fabricating or falsifying is creating data, information or citations that do not exist or altering existing data, information or citations

D. Facilitating is helping or attempting to help another commit academic misconduct.

E. Impersonating is assuming another person’s identity or allowing another person to assume one’s own identity for the purpose of fulfilling an academic requirement, including using someone else’s credentials or allowing someone to use one’s own credentials to enter the online classroom.

F. Improperly using course materials is selling, distributing, displaying, posting, uploading, publishing or obtaining any course material without express written consent from the faculty/staff member or the college.

G. Misrepresentation is committing any act or omission that is intended to deceive a faculty member or other college employee for academic advantage, including but not limited to, providing false information to a faculty member or other college employee, including but not limited to, in circumstances that would impact the student’s grade or in response to allegations of academic misconduct.

H. Plagiarizing is using or presenting another person’s idea(s), words, data, statements or work as one’s own in any academic exercise, assignment or assessment without providing proper citation or attribution, including but not limited to, the work of fellow students, library materials and internet sources.

IV. Prohibited Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is prohibited, including but not limited to the following:

A. Cheating

B. Fabricating or falsifying

C. Facilitating

D. Impersonating

E. Improperly using course materials

F. Misrepresentation

G. Plagiarizing

V. Reporting

A. Any faculty, staff, student or third party who suspects a student or former student has committed academic misconduct may submit a report to the college in accordance with the procedures.

B. A student or former student who is found responsible for academic misconduct may be disciplined, up to and including dismissal from the college or revocation of a credential in accordance with the procedures.

C. Upon receipt of a report, the college will conduct an investigation and make a determination as to whether the student or former student is responsible for academic misconduct in accordance with the procedures.

D. The college finds that a student or former student is responsible for academic misconduct, the college will issue sanctions, if any, in accordance with the procedures.

The board of trustees hereby authorizes the president (or designee) to develop, maintain and keep current appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy.

Policy Title: Academic Integrity

Policy Category: Academic Affairs

Policy Owner: Provost/Vice President for Learning

Policy Administrator: Associate Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs

Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith;; 410-777-2776

Approval Date: May 11, 2021

Effective Date: May 11, 2021

History: Adopted June 8, 2004; Revised June 12, 2012; May 11, 2021

Applies to: All students and former students

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures: 

Forms/Guidelines: N/A

Relevant Laws: N/A


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